
A podcast about the web, games, and terrible food.

Hosted by Robb Knight and John Voorhees on the 'don

76 - Sixty Dollar Paperclip

2018-11-29 / 23:37

Robb wants to be the very best and John lost his UV tracker quite quickly.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Official Pokémon Site

Remaster #69: PokéMaster - Relay FM

Robb Lewis on Twitter: "I think I’ve pulled a muscle in my shoulder from throwing the Pokeball plus controller too vigorously while trying to catch ‘em all. This might be the stupidest way I’ve ever injured myself."

Nintendo shuts down Zelda: Skyward Sword Switch port reports • BASSTOP Portable Dock Replacement Case for Nintendo Switch (Only The case, You Have to DIY with The Circuit Board chip from The Original Dock) (Black): Computers & Accessories

My Skin Track UV: A Tiny Wearable to Track UV Exposure – MacStories